
Google Adsense: 10 Steps To Write Articles For Approval (VIDEO)

image of google adsense blog post

Google Adsense program is one of the most used platforms to make some good money by website or blog owners. it is a pay per click publishing program. you can display Google ads on your blog or website and you will get paid whenever your visitor click on your ads. Getting Google Adsense approval is becoming very difficult by the day, however, here are 10 tested and proven steps to write great blog posts that Google Adsense cannot resist but approve your blog.

Why You Need Google Adsense

Google AdSense is an advertising program run by Google that allows website owners and publishers to monetize their online content. Here are several reasons why you need to use Google AdSense on your business or personal website/blog:


1. Monetization: Website owners can earn revenue by displaying targeted ads on their sites. Advertisers pay website owners for ad space, and Google AdSense facilitates this process.

2. Easy to Implement: Integrating Google AdSense into a website is relatively simple. Once approved, publishers can generate ad codes from their AdSense accounts and place them on their websites.

3. Automated Ad Placement: AdSense uses contextual targeting to display relevant ads based on the content of a webpage. This can increase the likelihood that users will click on the ads.

4. Access to a Large Advertiser Network: Google AdSense connects website owners with a vast network of advertisers, increasing the potential for ad inventory and revenue generation.


The next thing to do after you have published your site with about 20 unique contents is to apply for Google Adsense approval. These days Google Adsense no longer accepts free blogs or websites in Adsense program. You have purchase a personal domain name.

After that make sure your weblog contents are original, not copy and paste, or generated by AI. You must have contents to share if you want to earn money on line with Adsense. It’s far better to put in writing 20 to 30 articles on your blog earlier than submitting your weblog for approval in Adsense.

As soon as you have performed all of this you could observe for Adsense at Google.Com/AdSense. And wait 2 to three days to get approval from Google. A stay man or woman will check your blog. As soon as your blog get approval from Google, you may be furnished a few HTML and JavaScript codes. You must vicinity them for your weblog.

Now you must have visitors to click to your Google ads. So, you want to build huge site visitors in your blog so one can make a big money with Adsense. For long term site visitors you should write some articles and submit them on some top article directories together with your backlink.

Second excellent manner to generate traffic is by on posting forums specifically heavily trafficked forums. Always remember to leave a backlink in the end of your post.

A number of expert Adsense earners use search engine to get visitors. You have to put up your blog on all pinnacle search engines like Google and yahoo like Google, Yahoo and MSN. And follow all seo (search Engine Optimism) gear. It’s going to increase your web page rank and your function on Google. And you will get a lot of visitors from seek engine. Your Adsense earning relies upon on your traffic. So, be severe for your supply of traffic.

Thousands of people are making their full time income with Google Adsense. You can also make a pretty good extra income with Adsense.

Google Adsense Program is distributing the ads on the blogs or websites related to the contents automatically. It is also called revenue sharing program.

Google pays the publishers according the clicks performed each day. That means, when a browser clicks on the ads distributed by Google the publishers will get paid as per ad click. For no reason should the publishers must not click his/her own ads. Google System can easily detect this type of illegal job. Google not allows the ads for any the sites containing pornography, gambling and such bad things.

Those who have extra time 2 to 4 hours a week can easily earn money through Google Adsense only having a blog or website. We all have some interests in our life such as keeping pet, travelling, watching movies and sports (tennis, cricket, and football, more…), gardening and many more. We can easily write blogs or websites on these interests using our practical knowledge and thoughts. For each thought we may white each post on blog. Then apply for Google Adsense. After reviewing your contents and website or blog quality Google will approve your site for ads. You must post 2-3 posts each week to increase the blog weight.

Now the main thing is the visitors. How can we get the visitors to my blog through which we may earn money? There are several ways to get traffics.

10 Steps to Write Great Blog Posts for Google Adsense Approval

1. Write Unique Content

Google Adsense requires that all content published on your blog is completely original and not copied from any other source. This means that you need to create quality, unique and well-researched content. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your content to make it easier for Google to identify and index your posts.

2. Submit posts to directories

Submit articles on the same topics to the article directories giving the link back of your blog post as signature or source.

3. Optimize your images

Website optimization is all encompassing, your contents which includes but not limited to articles, meta tags, images must be well optimize; you can hire a seo expert to do this for you.

4. Use Images and videos

Adding images and videos to your blog posts can help to make them more attractive and engaging. This will help to increase the chances of your blog posts being approved by Google Adsense.

5. Comment on other relevant sites

One primary way to make your site and its contents ready for Adsense approval is to make comments on other peoples’ blog post and give a back link of your post.

6. Join relevant forums

Join the related forums and groups (Yahoo, Google, and MSN) and answer the appropriate answer and also show the link back.

7. Do SEO

Optimizing your blog posts for SEO is a great way to make sure that your posts are indexed by search engines, increasing the chances of them being discovered by potential readers. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your content and use relevant titles and headings.

8. Link to other blogs

Linking to other relevant blogs and websites can help to increase the chances of your blog posts being approved by Google Adsense. This is because Google looks for high-quality content that is linked to other authoritative websites.

9. Promote your posts

Once your blog posts are published, make sure to promote them on social media, in forums, and other places to help them gain more visibility. This will also help to increase the chances of them being approved by Google Adsense.

10. Submit your site to search engines

Submit your blog to the popular search engines and try to optimize the blog to get on the top 10 search result on the topic. Don’t submit a blog multiple times to the same search engine.

I hope that anyone can get his Google Adsense approved, and begin to earn money through Google Adsense using these methods mentioned above. Contact articlezguru for unique 25 Google Adsense friendly articles at a giveaway price.


About Efogator

Emebu N. Oghale, the visionary force behind EfoGator, is a luminary in the realms of SEO, technology, and content writing. With an unwavering passion for staying at the forefront of digital advancements, Emebu has been an influential figure in the blogging sphere since 2014.

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